October Updates:

October 14th
Orleans Bistro & Grill Turns 2 Years old. In lieu of a Celebration please feel free to donate cleaning supplies that will be donated to Loisann’s Hope House www.loisannshopehouse.org

We will also start our Coworker Karaoke 6pm-9pm. Some come out and support a great cause!
October 15th
Orleans Bistro & Grill invites you out to wish Caitlin Daly Executive Director of the SPCA a warm send off as she relocates for her new job. Happy Hour 6pm Free Desserts and food specials www.fredspca.org
October 15, 2019
Networking Lunch
Hosted by Fredericksburg Area Businesses Lunch and Mingle
Tired of networking with a price? Join us on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month to meet other business owners. No fee!
October 15, 2019 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM

October 24th
Orleans Bistro & Grill has partnered with the Spotsylvania Sheriff’s office to Stick a Fork in Cancer! Come out from 4pm – 11pm and help us reach our goal. A portion of all proceeds will go to Relay for Life. www.spotsylvaniasheriff.org

October 31st
Come dressed to impress! Orleans Bistro & Grill will throw our annual Halloween Bash. This year’s theme is Harlem Nights. Best costume contest and drink specials all night long.
Book of the Month Club
October Book - Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle

#1 New York Times Bestseller Oprah’s Book Club 2016 Selection
"Riveting…a worthy investment…this book has real wisdom." ―New York Times Book Review
"A book with so much painful truth packed into its pages that every person who’s ever married or plans to marry should really give it a read." ― Chicago Tribune
"Provocative... I adore her honesty, her vulnerability, and her no-nonsense wisdom, and I know you will, too." ― Oprah Winfrey
“This memoir isn’t really about Glennon rebuilding her relationship with her husband; it is about Glennon rebuilding her relationship with herself. Utterly refreshing and... badass.” ― Bustle.com
A memoir of betrayal and self-discovery by bestselling author Glennon Doyle, Love Warrior is a gorgeous and inspiring account of how we are all born to be warriors: strong, powerful, and brave; able to confront the pain and claim the love that exists for us all. This chronicle of a beautiful, brutal journey speaks to anyone who yearns for deeper, truer relationships and a more abundant, authentic life.
Coming Up for November
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki (Re-Read)

September Past Events
On September 26th, Tisha Johnson had the pleasure of speaking to the Women's Business Group at Mary Washington University comprised of Juniors & Seniors. What a delight to be surrounded by such amazing young women. My speech turned into a round table and we discussed Building Your Dreams. Thank you for having me and allowing me to share my journey with you. Best wishes to each one of you as you go into the world and Build Your Dreams!
Tisha Johnson inspired us to dream AND not listen to dream killers! Her presentation was direct, vulnerable, entertaining, and relevant to her audience. She brought joy!
Lynne Richardson, Dean College of Business
Community Outreach
Great Entertainment & Food at the Chancellor Community Center for our Senior Citizens. Every third Thursday for Fun, fun, fun!
We are happy to announce we are now a Virginia SWaM Micro Certified Business